Alice's food A-Z: edible adventures by Alice Zaslavsky

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Ill. by Kat Chadwick. Walker Books, 2015. ISBN 9781922179388
(Age: 8-80) Highly recommended. Fruit. Vegetables. Healthy Cooking. Recipes for children. Alice Zaslavsky is known for her promotion of healthy eating and great recipes, from her time as a contestant on the 2012 Master Chef program and her current role as a children's TV quiz show host in Kitchen Whiz and as the official Face of Prahan Markets. Her first foray into publishing, Alice's food A-Z: edible adventures brings to life an amazing array of foods, everything from apples to zucchini.
What in the world did she find for X? X-cellent Alice discovered coconuts belong to the Xylocarp family - a fruit with a hard, woody exterior! Each entry includes fun facts, photos, food history, tips and recipes that are child-friendly. Alice includes her babushka's borsch recipe, a delicious after school snack in her Russian home. Kitchen safety tips are included even Hi Jean - hygiene is included. The healthy recipes range from easy grilled haloumi and watermelon skewers to carrot cake.
Kat Chadwick's stylish designs including colourful backgrounds, peeling notes attached by sticky tape, food styling, close-up photos, layered text and fun sketches, add excitement to Alice's edible adventures.
A wonderful addition to the recipe collection of a young cook or for a family who love to create healthy meals and snacks.
Rhyllis Bignell