Alice-Miranda friends forever movie tie in books by Jacqueline Harvey

Penguin, 2019.
Alice-Miranda friends forever official movie script. ISBN:
Alice-Miranda friends forever : The most positively perfect
journal! ISBN: 9781760896874.
Alice-Miranda friends forever activity book. ISBN:
Alice-Miranda 3 in 1. ISBN: 9781760894962.
(Age: 7-10) Highly recommended. Fans of the highly popular Alice-Miranda
series will be thrilled to hear that Alice-Miranda is coming to the
big screen as 'an 80-minute animated movie
with a treasure trove of marvellous mysteries, midnight feasts,
ponies and pyjama parties'. Penguin Books has released a group of
fabulous books to coincide with the movie's release. Alice-Miranda
friends forever official movie script will be a boon for
children as they get the opportunity to actually read a real movie
script with their favourite characters. The book also contains
colour pictures of the characters, Alice-Miranda and Millie's
bedroom, horse-riding, The Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale grounds and
inside Fayle School for Boys.
The Alice-Miranda friends forever activity book will provide
hours of fun with quizzes, colouring, drawing faces and word
searches, while the Alice-Miranda friends forever : The most
positively perfect journal! is a beautifully bound, hard-back
journal, with illustrations of the friends on each page just waiting
for eager young authors to write their thoughts, poems, stories and
draw their own illustrations.
Alice-Miranda 3 in 1 combines three of the favourite books, Alice-Miranda
at school, Alice-Miranda
on Holiday and Alice-Miranda
Takes the Lead. All three books have been
recommended by ReadPlus reviewers in the past. As one reviewer
writes, 'As much as this little girl is too good to be true, she is
an utterly loveable character, able to endear herself to all with
whom she comes in contact. She proves to be totally unselfish,
thoughtful and equally as engaging a character as was Pollyanna in
my childhood reading.'
This group of books will be a wonderful gift to young children,
while the movie script and Alice-Miranda 3 in 1 should prove
to be very popular in libraries. And the movie is sure to delight
kids as well.
Pat Pledger