Alfie in the bath by Deb Gliori

Bloomsbury, 2015. ISBN 9781408853511
(Age: 2-5) Highly recommended. Baths. Imagination. Alfie-Bun
is splashing around in the bath, surrounded by his toys, bubbles
floating in the air, he's having fun. What's under the waves? What a
surprise for the young reader when the gatefold spread is opened,
the bath toys have come to life. He's in the middle of an underwater
adventure. There's a large blue octopus waving seaweed, the tugboat
steaming along, catfish - half cat, half fish, and a big
multi-coloured Merlion rides the waves. Crab is splashing in soap,
his claws ready to pinch frog, there's so much to enjoy and
discover. Alfie pretends to be a sea monster waving his tentacles
and sinking the other animals. When he pretends to be a huge whale
spouting and makes a giant splash, Daddy-Bun is there to clean up.
This is a wonderful read-aloud picture book. Scottish author Deb
Gliori's simple text is filled with sounds and noises, just right
for repeating. There are little pink crab's claws licking
SNICK-SNECK, the snorkel bubbles and hisses and the giant wave goes
KERSPLOOOOSH! Her illustrations are bright and her animated
characters are boldly drawn with pen, ink and watercolours. Shades
of blue anchor each page as the swirling bathwater underpins the
animals' activities. Alfie's bathtime is a celebration of the
Rhyllis Bignell