AFL Factivity 2 by Michael Panckridge

Puffin, 2017. ISBN 9780143785330
For those who follow AFL this bright colourful, carefully
constructed factivity book is the ideal accompaniment as fans of all
ages can test their knowledge, learn new things and participate in
some brain-tingling activities that focus on their favourite sport.
Some of the activities are challenging, such as writing a player
profile for the back of the Crunchy Crispies cereal pack; others
will require some research while there are also the usual word
searches and the like. However, it can also be used as a teaching
resource as many of the activities can be made open-ended, having
students apply the challenges to a sport of their choosing or to
have them create a similar challenge for their chosen sport.
Developing your own crossword involves a lot more than just
completing one.
Hooking kids into learning by engaging them with their passion is a
surefire way of getting them to learn-by-stealth so even the most
reluctant readers can find something that will help them understand
reading does have a purpose, it can be fun and it IS for them. A
double sheet of stickers at the end could add to the motivation!
Barbara Braxton