Adventures with Grandpa by Rosemary Mastnak

Hardie Grant Egmont, 2010. ISBN 9781921690761.
Picture book. Recommended. A companion volume to Cooking with
and Dancing with Grandma, this time we see a little boy having
wonderful adventures with Grandpa, who has the most amazing shed full
of wonderful bits and pieces. The little boy is never sure of what
Grandpa will find in his 'magic cave'. It could be making a racing car,
playing in the tree house or swinging from a tire tied to an old
tree. What a great time the little boy and his dog and chook companions
have with Grandpa!
Watercolour is used lavishly, making the delightfully plump little boy
in his superman cape and his grandfather in checked shirt and overalls,
come alive for the reader. There is just so much detail in the
drawings, particularly in Grandpa's shed, that little people will have
an interesting time poring over the contents and comparing it with
their own sheds at home. It's little details like Grandpa fondling the
ears of the dog and the chook making an appearance on each page that
will enchant readers.
This is an ideal book for grandparents to have on their shelves, ready
to read to grandsons when they visit. It would also be a delightful
addition to a unit on the family. With its irregular rhyming story,
sometimes with internal rhymes and sometimes with sentence endings
rhyming, this would make a good read aloud as well.
Pat Pledger