Admission by Barry Jonsberg

Pandora Jones, Bk 1. Allen & Unwin, 2014. ISBN
(Age: 14+) Highly recommended. Thriller. Dystopian fiction.
Pandemic. Survival. Pandora Jones wakes up in The School, weak and
disorientated. She remembers horrifying scenes of death, people
bleeding to death and Melbourne dying from a pandemic. The School is
a heavily guarded place where talented survivors have been placed
and where they are expected to hone their skills, both mental and
physical, and prepare for what will come next. Pan's special skill
is intuition, but her intuition begins to lead her to questioning
what is happening around her.
Working with a talented group of eight young people, including
Nathan a talented runner and leader, Wei-Lin, who uses her archery
skills and Cara, an introspective young woman, Pan begins to adjust
to life in The School. Haunted by terrifying nightmares of a
policeman putting a gun in his mouth, her mother and brother
coughing up blood and dying, and a chase through the streets, she is
hard pressed to work out what is a memory and what is a nightmare.
Jonsberg brings his great writing talent to good use with his vivid
descriptions of The School and the way it operates and the people
who live there. Survival is the key and the group have to work very
hard to learn how to fight and to become very fit under the
direction of seemingly uncaring instructors. After the death of one
of their team in mysterious circumstances, the group is taken to an
island where they face men with guns and have to struggle to stay
The story is action packed and very easy to visualise as a movie or
TV series. With its engaging characters, involving plot and a cliff
hanger of an ending, it is sure to appeal to its teen readers who
will be gasping for the next instalment in the trilogy. Definitely a
book for those who enjoyed The hunger games series by
Suzanne Collins or The maze runner series by James Dashner.
Pat Pledger