A Toy Christmas compiled and edited by Sophie Masson

Christmas Press, 2016. ISBN 9780994234063
(Age: 6+) Recommended. In her introduction Sophie Masson talks about
the magic of toys at Christmas and this collection of stories
certainly reflects that theme. Written by some well-known and not so
well-known authors, (Natalie Jane Prior, Meredith Costain, Michael
Grey, Fiona McDonald, Juliet Marillier, Anna Bell, Ian Irvine, Kathy
Creamer, George Ivanoff, Goldie Alexander, David Allan, Rebecca
Fung, and Beattie Alvarez) whose short biographies are given at the
back of the book, this is a collection that begs to be dipped into
for the variety of stories that can be found within its cover. Each
story is illustrated in bright colours, adding to the appeal of the
As a fan of fantasy, I immediately used the Table of Contents to
read the story, A real present, by Juliet Marillier, one of
favourite authors. Jenny is a little girl who wants a present for
the Thing under her bed, her best friend and comes up with a
creative plan for a present. The story is redolent with the joy of
imagination and the meaning of giving presents. Another by George
Ivanoff caught my eye, and I was delighted to read Pudding Prize,
extolling the old Christmas custom of putting a surprise in the
Christmas pudding. In this Anna finds a tiny matryoshka, a Russian
doll which symbolises fun and laughter and learns about the
beautiful nesting dolls from Russia. Avi and the Chanukah
surprise by Goldie Alexander will remind readers that many
cultures do not celebrate Christmas, but have their own way of
celebrating their customs. One that brought a tear to my eye was An
unexpected gift by Michael Grey, where a little boy is given a
toy that reminds him of his absent mother.
This is a collection that is well worth having in the library as it
collects an engrossing range of Christmas stories, each quite
different, but all quality, around the theme of toys. Readers and
children who listen to the stories will be reminded that Christmas
is not only a time of fun, but one of giving, of caring for the
lonely and bereft and celebrating different customs.
Pat Pledger