A toaster on Mars by Darrell Pitt

Text, 2016. ISBN 9781922182869
(Age: Upper Primary, Junior secondary) It's a future world, the 26th
Century, suffering from pollution, 'and not enough people using
deodorant'. There are robots aplenty, cyborgs and varied creatures
from other planets.
It is 'home, sweet home' to Blake Carter, a law-enforcement officer,
searching for evil mastermind, Bartholomew Badde, who threatens the
world with a stolen Super-EMP, a fearsome weapon. While
investigating Badde's whereabouts, Blake is attacked and
hospitalised. Bad news continues: he is forced to accept a cyborg
(the toaster of the title) for a partner, he is taken off the case
and his daughter, Lisa, is kidnapped by Badde.
As ransom for Blake's daughter, Badde demands that Blake obtain for
him, the top-secret computer virus, called Maria. It can crack any
firewall and scramble any operating system within minutes. To force
Blake's hand, Badde threatens Lisa with insidious torture - watching
reruns of the Brady Bunch.
His ex-wife, Astrid, joins Blake and Nikki Steel, the cyborg, as
they try to break in to GADO, to locate Maria. Their adventures
include eluding a mutant, rampaging cheese sandwich, the result of
radioactive waste, a cannibal who threatens to eat them and a group
of Elvis clones, trapped in an inter-dimensional pocket in space.
Despite Blake's best efforts to capture Badde, he escapes yet again
to cause more havoc in a sequel.
Upper Primary and Lower Secondary students who appreciate the
ridiculous will enjoy this fast paced book with its zany sense of
humour. There is nothing subtle about the irony in the novel, which
creates many laugh-out-loud moments.
Thelma Harvey