A stone for Sascha by Aaron Becker

Candlewick Press, 2018. ISBN 9780763665968
(Age: 6+) Themes: Grief. Death. Dogs. Imagination. History.
Caldecott Award winning author illustrator, Aaron Becker has
produced a magical story of the cycle of life. With the most amazing
digitally painted illustrations, detailed and encompassing, Becker
does not need words to show us a saddened young girl burying her pet
dog. Going on the family camping holiday is simply not the same
without him and she holds back when other children play happily in
the water. But she finds a smooth stone and hurling it up into the
sky, the stone reveals the history of the world through its journey
from being a piece of extruded rock, to a large monolith hauled onto
the hill top by a group of men, to the hand sized stone she now
finds in the water.
Over millennia we see the stone first thrust out of the earth, then
being used, first as a large standing stone, next as a smaller piece
in an Egyptian temple, then smaller still, a building block in a
statue of Buddha, then as the keystone in a bridge in China and
smaller still it is sculpted and sent to the Americas, where what is
left now lies near to the water's edge, a much smaller version of
The endpapers show a map of the world and trace the journey of the
stone through its various incarnations from large to small, through
Ethiopia and Mesopotamia, India, Burma, China then across the
Pacific Ocean to Honolulu to its final resting place where the girl
finds it on the western seaboard of North America. The maps show an
overview of the world's history sure to intrigue and delight younger
readers who will search out more information about the empires that
have risen only to fall and be replaced by another.
This is a surprise of a book, worth delving into, capturing readers'
imaginations as they put their own words to the pictures, build
their own timelines around the stone, and ponder the circle of life
as the stone keeps going on in one shape or other. There are so many
layers to this book, that it is hard to dwell on any one. But I love
the different forms of travel shown through the illustrations, and
the differing work done by the individuals shown, as well as their
costumes, and the few animals that pop up in the pages, quietly
watching the activities of the people and the stone, while the story
comes full circle, the stone finally at rest on the dog's grave.
Fran Knight