A skinful of shadows by Frances Hardinge

Macmillan, 2017. ISBN 9781509869305
(Age: 13+) Highly recommended. Caught between Catholics and
Protestants in the seventeenth century and wielding a dangerous
supernatural power, Makepeace must make herself as inconspicuous as
possible to have any chance at surviving in her father's family and
her Inheritance.
The night is dark and full of terrors for Makepeace, even more so
when she finds herself alone after her mother's death. Alone and
fool-hardy, the girl is desperate to learn more about the ghosts she
has always been told she must keep out. In doing so she soon finds
herself in more than one dangerous situation as something which is
scared and frightened finds itself trapped within her own mind. Sold
to her father's family to offset the burden of housing an insane
girl, Makepeace finds herself caged, a position both she and her
animal friend detest. Soon she learns to be one with Bear and
conceals him from her Elders and Betters. It is with Bear's help,
and that of her cousin, James, that she survives three years with
the Fellmottes and avoids her inheritance, or at least part of it.
Stronger than most of the family, Makepeace's fear of ghosts keeps
her wary and prepared to deal with those that would possess her, as
well as open minded to the possibilities and uses of saving those
souls she deems worthy. But is that enough to save her from the
dreaded inheritance?
Illuminating and engaging, Hardinge's novel draws the reader right
in alongside Bear and Makepeace as they fight for their freedom and
the freedom of the people. Highly recommended to lovers of fantasy,
particularly featuring animals or a medieval setting.
Kayla Gaskell, 22