A Pterodactyl Stole My Homework by Nick Falk and Tony Flowers

Saursus Street series. Random House, 2013. ISBN 978 1 74275 656 1.
(Age: 8-10) Recommended. Sam is in a predicament. A pterodactyl has
stolen his homework and his mother doesn't believe him! Would you?
How will he get it back?
Saursus Street: A Pterodactyl Stole My Homework is a funny
adventure story featuring eight year old Sam and his older brother,
Nathan. It is aimed at independent readers aged 8-10 years and is
especially good for readers who love dinosaurs. I would highly
recommend this book for those boys who aren't big on reading as they
will enjoy the adventure and fun. The language used is easy to read
and understand too.
It is the second book in the series but readers won't need to read
the first one to help them understand the story.
The chapters are short, helping the story move along quickly, and
the use of different fonts to emphasise words is reminiscent of Geronimo
Stilton books.
Readers will giggle at the antics of Sam as he hunts down his
homework. He is harassed by his horrible teacher, threatened with
boarding school and loses his pants! Will Team Dinosaur (Sam and his
brother) find the stolen homework and discover why a pterodactyl is
busy stealing all over town?
Kylie Kempster