A perfectly posh pink afternoon tea by Coral Vass

Ill. by Gabriel Evans. Scholastic, 2017. ISBN 9781743811689
(Age: 5+) Recommended. Dressing up. Afternoon tea. Humour. Annabelle
Mae and her five friends are a delight, dressing up in all their
pink finery for afternoon tea. They wear oversized hats and long
gloves, rows of pearls and lots of ribbons and lace. They have real
cups and saucers and teaspoons, jelly cake, balloons and sweet
lemonade. Things go along well, they are using their manners and
being ever so polite, but when the boys look over the fence at the
six girls having lots of fun they decide to mess things up. They
turn on the sprinkler and all of a sudden the cups are dropped, the
curls come out of their hair, the ribbons and laces droop, their
finery is ruined. But Annabelle Mae stomps her foot into the mud the
water has made and is so pleased with the result that her five
friends join in. Within a little while all six girls are covered in
mud and dirt and laugh at the fun they are having while the boys are
sitting under a nearby tree drinking their afternoon tea.
Great rollicking rhyming verses carry the story of the tables being
turned. The rhythm is infectious and readers will laugh out loud at
the antics of the groups, trying to outwit each other.
Readers will love the colour filled, boisterous illustrations with
the girls beginning totally in pink and ending up in brown, while
the boys takeover what is left of the posh afternoon tea.
Fran Knight