A most magical girl by Karen Foxlee

Picccadilly Press, 2016. ISBN 9781848125742
(Age: 10+) Magic. Good vs evil. Friendship.
Heroism. Annabel Grey is an ordinary but vibrant girl living in
London during the era when young ladies were raised to decorate and
adorn and needed to learn the refinements of a delicate life with
appropriate manners. Her mother has removed Annabel from her genteel
life and deposited her with her rather elderly and unusual Great
Aunts - who also happen to own a magic shop and practice magical
skills. Annabel is a reluctant participant in the Magic Arts, but
she soon learns that although her mother had turned her back on the
magical world, now Annabel is needed to save London from the
overbearing influence of the Dark Magic wielded by the ironically
rather awful Mr Angel. This unexpected role as the good and innocent
rescuer of the aging witch and magic community (and all of London as
well) from the oppression of Mr Angel, takes Annabel into Under
London, the world that exists in parallel to the streets she knows.
With an unenthusiastic assistant in Kitty, she also meets Trolls and
Dragons as she attempts to rescue the White Wand that will protect
the order of life in London.
This story has parallels to the Harry Potter saga in that the hero
(heroine) of the story is good, brave and reluctant, and relies on
the help of trusty friends to overcome evil influences. In
comparison it is considerably shorter; but it does involve entry
into the magical world with creatures and magical talents and a very
dark and malevolent opposition. This dark and oppressive adversary
has his story and evil plans scattered through Annabel's narrative,
and the reader recognises the growing threat. Because it is shorter,
it may be more accessible to young readers and with a female lead
character it may be appreciated by readers looking for a strong
female heroine. The magic and witch world is obviously a fantasy
adventure, and there are some small moments of humour hidden amongst
the drama.
Carolyn Hull