A monster calls by Patrick Ness

(From an original idea by Siobhan Dowd). Ill. by Jim Kay. Walker
Books, 2011. ISBN 9781406311525.
(Age 13 +) Highly recommended. The cover and title might suggest
this is a horror story but in fact it is a touching tale about a boy
facing the death of his beloved mother. It's bad enough that Conor's
mum is battling cancer; it's bad enough that Conor is having
dreadful nightmares but things become even worse when the yew tree
monster comes to call. Every night at exactly 12.07 the monster
appears. At first Conor thinks it means to frighten him until he
discovers that the monster wants to tell him three stories: one
about a witch queen (a little like his grandmother), one about a
selfish man (a little like his dad) and one about a lonely,
invisible man (a little like himself). Conor is confused and angered
by these stories which all have a sharp twist in their tails.
However, he is horrified when the monster asks him to tell the story
of his nightmare. Can he finally face the truth?
The idea for this touching story came from Siobhan Dowd, whose
untimely death prevented its completion. Patrick Ness has done a
brilliant job in taking Dowd's idea and not only making it his own,
but also, creating a beautiful book in the process. He is well
supported by illustrator, Jim Kay, whose dark pictures and evocative
cover complement the text brilliantly. The placing of the
illustrations even provides an antidote at times: as the grief and
anger mounts in Conor's life, it is almost a relief to turn a page
and find the mood conveyed in pictures rather than words.
And the meaning of the nightly visits by the monster will finally,
and heart wrenchingly, become clear to both Conor and the reader.
The subject matter behind this story may be dark but Ness cleverly
finds the beauty of love and life at its core - readers will be
saddened but also satisfied by the novel's ending.
Deborah Marshall