A knock at the door by Tom Wood (writing as T. W. Ellis)

Hachette, 2020. ISBN: 9780751575934.
(Age: Senior secondary/adult) Highly recommended. When two
government agents knock at Jem Talhoffer's door her life is turned
upside down. They ask for her husband Leo and suggest he is involved
in organised crime. She cannot believe that her handsome perfect
partner would have anything to do with such things. While the agents
are questioning and searching she receives a call from an Agent
Carlson, which casts doubt on the identity of the Feds. She is urged
to leave her home and make a run for it.
Jem and Leo have moved from the city for the peace and calm of small
town America. They have found the perfect house isolated from its
neighbours but not too far from the town's amenities. Jem takes yoga
classes, but tends to keep to herself while Leo a wine merchant
takes care of business and often travels overseas.
Jem takes off through the woods, but hasn't thought through her
escape. She is bare footed and has bought nothing with her. She
makes it to the road, feet cut, scratched, bruised and flags down an
old man in a pickup truck. It seems as if luck has changed, Trevor
the driver, is straight as the day is long. He is one of the many in
the USA that has no trust in the government or people in suits, he
has no phone and is self reliant.
They head into town where Jem decides she will confide in the local
police chief, Rusty, an eminently sensible and trustworthy woman.
However when she arrives she is dismayed to find the two agents are
already at the police building. She makes a move to leave when a car
pulls up with Agent Carlson at the wheel; he urges her to get in and
he assures her she will be safe. But Jem doesn't know who to trust
and heads for the police building. She ends up being driven back to
her home by the two agents, but things then really take a turn for
the worse.
Tom Woods is writing here as T. W. Ellis, and has the narrative
delivered by Jem and Rusty (the police chief). The reader is
naturally sympathetic with Jem's story and the dilemma in which she
finds herself. The question is always: what would you do if you
found yourself in the same situation? The narrative provided by
Rusty is very different. The reader is allowed into her life, a
strange mixture of the very private and the very public, but there
is a feeling of dependability and trust.
There are many twists in the plot and you are left feeling very much
like Jem. Who do you believe, who can you trust. There are also
moments of shock when the most unforeseen actions take place. Whilst
not always quite believable Ellis provides a roller coaster ride,
that has perceptions overturned and personalities questioned. A
thoroughly recommended read.
Themes. USA, Crime, Thriller, Conspiracy.
Mark Knight