A jigsaw of fire and stars by Yaba Badoe

Zephyr, 2017. ISBN 9781786697981
(Ages: 14+) Highly recommended. The story starts with a treasure
casket thrown into the sea as a ship sinks. Inside is a pillow of
gold dust, and another of diamonds, a bamboo flute, a jewel studded
dagger, and a tapestry cloth wrapped around... a baby, a black
African baby, who is blissfully unaware of the fire and oil, and
people drowning around her. It sounds like the beginning of a
fantasy story, a foundling washed up on a shore and rescued by a
circus troupe, brought up to dance on a pony in the circus ring.
There are many elements of a fantasy adventure: the eagle Priss who
guards and protects the baby floating in the casket and remains at
her call whenever she is in danger; there are the circus twins,
Cobra, the green-eyed boy who can call up snakes, and Cat the fierce
girl who hurls daggers. Other characters make up the bizarre troupe
- Mama Rose, Redwood, Midget Man, Mimi and Bizzie Lizzie. These are
the people that Sante knows as family, yet there is another family
somewhere, ghosts in the shadows, that come to her in dreams, a
mystery that she yearns to find the answer to. But seeking the
answers puts her and her friends in grave danger.
However this is not some story set in a mystical other world, it is
here and now in Spain, and reminders of the modern world intrude,
things like television, mobile phones, the Internet. There are
police, the 'black-boots', and there are malevolent criminals like
Miguel and Grey Eyes. The story uncovers serious issues such as
'illegal migrants', human traffickers and sex slavery. Sante and the
circus troupe are just one group of people trying to live 'beyond
the grid', avoiding attention and possible arrest, not sure who to
trust, staying together in their tight little group and always
moving on.
A jigsaw of fire and stars is a very beautiful magical story
encompassing modern day issues in a way that may be easier for
younger people to deal with. It is completely enthralling, and would
be a book enjoyed by both teenage readers and adults. The author
Yaba Badoe is a Ghanaian-British filmmaker whose focus has been on
stories of black African women, but often also incorporating
traditional Ghanaian folktale. It makes for a unique approach to
telling a story of complex issues that is very imaginative and also
Helen Eddy