A is for ant illus. by Kate Slater

Dorling Kindersley, 2020. ISBN 9780241435922. 16pp. board book.
(Age: 1-5) Recommended. Young children are in for a treat as they
learn about ants in this engaging board book from DK. As is usual
for this publisher, the information and artwork is beautifully
produced in a most enticing board book. Every young child who has
this read aloud will be certain to learn lots about ants, while at
the same time, learning the words that start with 'a' (ant, antenna,
apple, anthill, air, ant farm, awesome, anteater and amazing). The
facts are basic and memorable: 6 different types of ants are
illustrated on the beginning double page spread and then a single
page is used to give information about specific parts of the ant and
what they eat. Children will be fascinated by the idea of an
ant farm and I am sure there would be some requests to have one in a
classroom or home.
The illustrations are bold and colourful, with some humour being
added; for example the long red tongue of the cute anteater will be
sure to bring smiles to the faces of children who are listening to
the well-structured narrative, which reads aloud very well.
This is a lovely non-fiction introduction to the world of ants, an
ideal book for any child who is interested in nature.
Pat Pledger