A is Amazing! ed. by Wendy Cooling

Frances Lincoln, 2012. ISBN: 9781847802552.
Recommended for children of all ages. Subtitled Poems about
Feelings, this is a collection of poems to fit various
alphabetical categories of feelings, ranging from Amazing,
Argumentative, Bored and Careful to eXtraordinary, Young, Zestful
and fiZzy! The poets are equally as diverse, coming from Japan,
India, Africa, Australia, the UK and USA. Their styles and language
vary from the traditional verse and riddle to rhyming and
non-rhyming poetry and from formal language to that spoken with a
Jamaican lilt. From arguments to death, saris to sport and contrasts
in stepmothers this book has the lot. With illustrations by Piet
Grobler to match the style or origin of the poem or poet, this book
is one I am keen to take to school and introduce to the classes that
are studying poetry. In the classroom setting, I can imagine using
this book to simply engage children in poetry, a genre which, as a
child, I hated. Now, I see myself reading these works to children
and having them celebrate the use of language, the imagery and the
concepts included therein. With older children, there could be a
discussion of the setting, both time and place and the content of
the various works. A great collection of verse!
Jo Schenkel