A House of Night Novel: Hidden by P.C. & Kristin Cast

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Atom, 2012. ISBN: 9781907411120.
Written in first person in alternating view points this tenth instalment in popular paranormal romance series A House of Night is packed with all the drama that comes with being a teenager and more! Confusing without background, this novel is written as you would speak and centres less on the supernatural then on the teenage drama. Vampyres, witches, seers and goddesses incite the events and fans of the paranormal romance genre may enjoy this novel.
Continuing on from where its predecessor left off (Destined) the book encompasses the days following the loss of Zoey's mother and the exposure of Neferet's dark nature. Zoey and her group are in mourning after the death of their sword master Dragon Lankford to the vessel of The White Bull. The school is in upheaval as both staff and students come to terms with the betrayal of their High Priestess Neferet, who sacrificed Dragon's cat in order to command the death of a son of immortal, Kalona. Breaking with the Tulsa House of Night Neferet seeks the help of humans to reap havoc on her vampyre counterparts, however she doesn't count on, high priestess Zoey's continual interference. All the while, cracked vessel, created by darkness, Aurox (who Zoey suspects may host the soul of her beloved Heath) begins to fight his dark beginnings and rebel against the White Bull. Betrayal, death, darkness and in spite of it all hope, the novel demonstrates the importance of unity, friendship and trust in a fanciful interpretation of our world.
Kayla Gaskell (Student)