A hope more powerful than the sea. The journey of Doaa Al Zamel, written by Melissa Fleming

Hachette, 2017. ISBN 9781408708446
(Age: Secondary) Highly recommended. This is a true story that, in this world today, should be
read. If we are to understand the wave of refugees fleeing
their own beloved countries, leaving behind families who cannot
escape, then we need to know what is going on. We need to know
what causes such an upheaval in the lives of these people that they
leave home in any way they can, hoping to find a place that will
accept them, even though they face the unknown.
This is a story of ordinary people, who are not simply greedy, nor
just discontented, who love their own country and
culture. Yet, deeply disturbed by changes in their world
that affect their daily lives, by deprivation, alienation or severe
discrimination, they find that they have little choice but to flee.
We become aware of the changing world of the family, the Al Zamels,
in this story, from the daughter, Doaa, who relates how their daily
lives were lived, how the loving family was so central to their
lives, describing how they begin to be aware of the social changes
that signal upheaval.
Heartrendingly told, this story, of unscrupulous offers promising
escape if enough money is paid, reveals that sometimes the refugees
are abandoned, left on the shore of an unknown place, or on
broken-down old boats that break up in a storm, when they are left
to die. Having taken much of their savings, or their
borrowings from family, the people who set up the escape so often
put the refugees in vastly over-crowded old boats, some of them even
lacking crew. Even worse, we read that some of the
'arrangers' kill the desperate families after taking their money, or
put them on boats where they are thrown overboard. This is a
disturbing story yet one filled with courage and hope, and this
hope, we discover, is indeed 'more powerful than the sea'.
Towards the end of her story, Doaa writes of finding a new life,
after the warmth of the welcome they received from ordinary
families, both in Greece and later in Sweden, that signals the
beginning of the healing that will occur. It is an uplifting
story, told with passion and inbued with a strong sense of justice.
Liz Bondar