A dog's promise by W. Bruce Cameron

Pan Books, 2019. ISBN: 9781529010084.
A dog's promise reminds me of the literary tradition of
family sagas, in which the personal travails of families are set in
the context of societal upheavals. The story follows Burke, brother
Grant, father Chase and Chase's mother. Other significant characters
include Wenling and her Chinese father and American mother.
The book is third in the A dog's purpose series, but it does
stand alone.
Its narrator is the dog Bailey, who becomes Cooper, then Riley, then
Oscar. We meet Bailey when he is born as Cooper, visualising him
becoming Burke's assist dog, whom we first meet as a child in a
wheelchair. Together they confront prejudices about disability.
Burke's small farm family faces the environmental and economic
impacts of agribusiness. Children strive to break away from parental
expectations and brothers fight because they are jealous. Anger
leads to lasting grudges. Illness and death feature, too.
Dialogue is crucial in expressing ideas. After one dispute between
the brothers, Grandma tells Grant not to hurt Burke because, 'You
shouldn't take your frustrations out on others.' Racial prejudice is
flagged in the following exchange when we find out that Wenling's
father is a janitor, not a leader in agribusiness:
'I guess I assumed he was an engineer', said Chase.
Why, because he's Asian? Wenling asked.
'Yeah . . . you got me. I'm sorry'. (p. 192)
Bruce Cameron writes fluently and preaches that we can choose the
thoughts we carry through our lifetime(s). Happiness or anger.
Forgiveness or resentment. He also comforts readers with the idea
that what goes wrong can be righted by love.
Sometimes there is humour to relieve the tension of sober themes,
for example, when Cooper hopes that his people will stop trying to
get him excited about a nylon bone.
A dog's promise is long. I'd suggest it to Year 10s and 11s
who like stories about families and about dogs. Some may read avidly
about the love triangle between brothers. But I find myself
wondering. What the dog knows and understands is not always
congruous and though the thought that the animals we love may be
reincarnated is appealing, I can't suspend my disbelief.
Chris Bourlioufas