A discovery of witches by Deborah Harkness

Headline, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-7553-7403-8.
(Age: 15+) Never before have I known such an engrossing read.
Deborah Harkness has written something truly amazing and I can't
think of anything that she could have improved on with A
discovery of witches.
History is the least magic provoking subject there is. Or so Diana
Bishop believes. Determined to live her life without the magic of
the bishop family, Diana persists in acting as human as possible
even around others of her kind. But even she, a member of one of the
most distinguished witch families, cannot deny her magic. Without
knowing it slips out and into her work and life.
Mabon, the day of the autumn equinox is drawing closer and Diana
Bishop is still pretending not to notice. Working late in the
Bodleian Library, Diana pulls her last manuscript towards her,
Ashmole 782, but little does she know this will be the book that
changes everything. Creatures flock to Oxford in greater numbers
then ever, among them three vampires, Marcus, Mathew and Miriam.
Let me start by saying that this isn't you typical paranormal
romance. It's much more then that. An amazing array of ideas and
beliefs all thrown together to create a stunning masterpiece, this
is a book that I would highly recommend to lovers of historic
fiction and don't be daunted by the size! Each new chapter draws the
story together into an astounding story of love and trust. I cannot
wait for the next instalment as Deborah has declared the story will
be made into a trilogy.
Kayla Gaskell (Student, 15)