A curious menagerie: Of herds, flocks, leaps, gaggles, scurries, and more! by Carin Berger

Greenwillow Books, 2019, ISBN: 9780062644572. 40pp., hbk.
We've all heard of a herd of cows and a flock of sheep, but what is
a group of giraffes called? A murder of crows is a common trivia
answer, but what about a mischief of mice? Exploring collective
nouns is always fun and in this book the ringmaster and the monkey
investigate 64 of them opening up a menagerie of creatures for
little ones to learn and perhaps wonder about and perhaps research
their validity. A parliament of owls? Really? That could either be
flattering to some parliaments or insulting to some owls!
Berger has used her skills of making cut-paper collages to create
fascinating illustrations and tying the collection together with the
ringmaster and the monkey makes it a bit more engaging than the
usual word book, especially the final pages! One that will encourage
small groups to share and delight in, and perhaps try to make up
their own. Would a group of koalas be called a cuddle? Or a group of
cockatoos a squawk?
Barbara Braxton