A countess below stairs by Eva Ibbotson

Speak, 2007. ISBN 9780142408650
(Age: 12+) Highly recommended. Romance. Feel good book. The Russian
aristocracy have been forced to flee abroad by the Russian
Revolution. Anna Grazinsky, a young countess, has been left penniless
and decides that she can no longer live with her English governess
Miss Pinfold and takes a job as a domestic servant in the household
of the Westerholme family. Rupert, the Earl of Westerholme, has
recently become engaged to a beautiful heiress and his country house
must be made fitting for the new bride. Anna, armed only with The
domestic servant's compendium by Selina Strickland, arrives at
Mersham where she tries to hide her identity while falling in love
with Mersham and the earl.
Anna is perhaps Ibbotson's most memorable heroine. She is that rare
person who has a natural goodness that wealth and gifts couldn't
spoil. Wherever she goes, her joy and ability to really see and
enjoy what is around her, spreads to those she comes in contact with
and enhances their lives. Rupert, too, is a memorable character.
Wounded in the war, he has been nursed back to health by Muriel, a
wealthy VAD, who on the surface is beautiful and generous. However
as Rupert gets to know her in his own home, her belief in eugenics
leads her to treat badly those loved members of the community around
her who are not perfect. Rupert is an honourable man and is torn
between doing what he considers is his duty and his growing love for
the strange Russian girl who is acting as a maid.
Minor characters are beautifully portrayed and the reader becomes
caught up in their lives as well as learning much about their
environment. Ollie is the brave little girl who lives nearby and who
has struggled with a damaged leg and Ibbotson tugs at the
heartstrings of her reader as she is chosen to become a bridesmaid.
Mrs Park the cook brings wonderful delicacies to the table and Mr
Proom the butler is a wily and canny man who has a vital role to
play in the story. The life of the Russian emigres as they struggle
against poverty and bias is also vividly described and adds detail
and interest to the story.
Eva Ibbotson has written a beautiful, intelligent romance that is
perfect for the reader who enjoy books by Georgette Heyer or who
wants a feel good, comfort book that challenges thinking and
enlivens understanding of how vividly language can be used. First
published as an adult book, other romances by Ibbotson have also
been re-issued for the teen market and titles include A song for
summer, A company of swans, The reluctant heiress
and The morning gift.
Pat Pledger