365 Real-Life Superheroes written by Valentina Camerini

Translated by Moreno Giovannoni. Piccolo Nero, 2020. ISBN:
(Age: 9 - 12). Recommended. 365 Real-Life Superheroes would
be a worthwhile addition to the children's section in a public
library, a primary school library or classroom. This illustrated
paperback is filled with short uncomplicated snapshots showcasing
365 superheroes both past and present. These include sportspeople,
scientists, journalists, explorers, doctors, astronauts, musicians,
artists and activists. Each person profiled has a symbol imprinted
on the page to show the value or talent they have displayed. These
include generosity, determination, courage, intelligence,
creativity, justice and curiosity. Many of the superheroes will be
unknown to both adults and students but all have contributed in some
way to the betterment of the world and time they lived in or who
were able to initiate change. Some of the lesser known profiles
include Bill Haast who let snakes bite him and ended up donating his
blood for scientific research and fifteen year old African American
Claudette Colvin who refused to give up her seat on a bus for a
white person and was arrested. There are more famous profiles
including the band Queen who played to Soviet citizens in a time
when there was animosity between the Soviet Union and the western
world and Malala Yousafzai who defended everyone's right to study
especially in her home country of Pakistan. Two well-known
Australians profiled in the book are Lowitja O'Donoghue who was the
first Aboriginal woman to study at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and
Eddie Mabo who fought for the right to his land.
While this book does not contain an introduction or contents page
and would benefit from both, it does have an index of those
discussed. Students in the middle grades often have a fascination
with the lives of people who have made changes both in recent and
historical times and sharing this book with students may encourage
and inspire further research. Themes: People Who Changed the World,
Role Models, Non-fiction.
Kathryn Beilby