1984 and Animal Farm by George Orwell

Text Publishing, 2017. ISBN 9781925603040
(Age: secondary) Recommended. Themes: Tyranny. Satire. Classic
novels. Classic novels, 1984 and Animal Farm have
been reprinted in one volume for another generation to grapple with
the stories that have reached a status all of their own in twentieth
century literature. Both novels rail against tyranny and injustice,
showing a society where the individual is made subordinate to the
power of the government machine, where individuality is quashed, and
doublespeak abounds. A fitting reprint for today's world.
1984 has an informative introduction by author, Charlotte
Wood (The natural way of things and The writer's room)
which sets the book in its time, showing how so many of the phrases
Orwell wrote have become currency within the English language, while
some of his predictions about totalitarian states have become all
too real.
Animal Farm has an introduction by author and commentator,
Don Watson (Death sentence and Recollections of a
bleeding heart amongst others) who tells us about Orwell's
background. His participation in the Spanish Civil War galvanised
his attitude to Russia, where the Russian Revolution has fallen into
despotism, and his experiences during World War Two led him to doubt
the future of civilisation, in turn leading to the development of
his 'fairy story', Animal Farm, warning us all of the
dangers of totalitarianism.
When people catalogue the most influential and inspiring books they
have read, these two figure high up in the list, warning as they do
of the corruption of society, the tyranny of government and the
restricting of the individual, and in these times his warnings are
chillingly real.
A pair of novels published for those who wish to read and appraise
their relevance to today, these novels have stood the test of time,
being read and reread, acknowledging that things do not change,
perhaps called by a different name, but tyranny, repression and
injustice still abound.
Fran Knight