1915 by Sally Murphy

Scholastic, 2015. ISBN 9781743622483
(Age: 11+) Highly recommended. War, World War One, Gallipoli, CEW
Bean, Series: Australia's Great War. The second in the series, Australia's
Great War presents the reader with Stan, a young teacher from
rural Western Australia at Gallipoli in 1915. His battalion lands on
that shore ready to take the fortifications and march to
Constantinople, but the Turkish Army lies in wait. Through his eyes,
and those of his sister who writes to him, his diary entries, poems
and his letters back home, we see the gravity of the situation they
find themselves in. Each of his friends is drawn carefully ensuring
the readers bond with the people involved and care about their
stories. CJ, Bluey, Miles, then Art and Molly, all contribute to the
tale of the months spent at Gallipoli, and will increase the
readers' knowledge about that place.
Murphy's detailed background, the trenches, the Turkish army,
Simpson and his donkey, the wounded and the dead, even Keith
Murdoch, gives an authenticity to the tale which will encourage
students to continue reading.
Through his sister's letters, we are shown life back in Australia,
as a neighbour's son is taken to Rottnest Island to be interred
because he has a German name, or some of the boys in the town, even
sixteen year olds receiving white feathers, or the knitting circles,
as well as the constant discussion surrounding the casualty lists in
the newspapers. At first these lists are small, but as the campaign
continues they become longer to the dismay of those back home and
the realisation both to Stan and his sister of the misinformation
Stan is hit by shrapnel and does nothing about it because so many
others have wounds that are more significant, but in doing this he
becomes quite ill. His friend, CJ takes him to the beach for help,
but shrapnel hits them both, killing CJ. In hospital in Cairo he
meets nurse Molly, and so another part of the story develops.
The novel covers some familiar territory but in having Stan as the
narrator, Murphy has introduced a character with whom students can
engage. He is innocent enough to have discussions which will
interest those who read this book, and his observations will make
them think about the priorities of war. Several incidents stand out
for me. One is when Miles is killed, trying to help a wounded
Turkish soldier, and the other when a truce is declared to bury the
dead. Both make the readers aware of the conflicted nature of being
in war, and the random encounters with CEW Bean are a neat
touch, grounding the story in the reality of a journalist's
observations, one whom students can research further. And Bean's
observations, given from a wider perspective than Stan's, make Stan
rethink some of the things he holds dear.
This is an eminently readable contribution to the array of books
being published at the moment to acquaint our younger readers with
Australia's involvement in World War One, and it has an underlying
theme of the nature of war and its effects on everyone that will
encourage students to reflect further.
Fran Knight