1.4 by Mike Lancaster

Egmont, 2012. ISBN 9781405258180.
(Age: 15 +) Highly recommended. This is a compelling science fiction
thriller which poses an intriguing future world. Mention of the
WorldBrain and filaments which extend from the hands, would suggest
this is a future where technological advances have progressed beyond
our expectations. However, key elements of this new world have a
familiar ring: a communication network called the Link accessed by
LinkPads, tools like Linkepedia and SocNetworking (including
FaceSpace and MyBook).
And at first, the central story line seems comfortingly familiar:
filled with classrooms, college courses and a boy afraid to tell his
science loving dad about taking a course in literature. However,
gradually, it becomes a story about power and control and how
science and technology can contribute to both. If all the world is
connected by the Link then can't this be used (or misused) to
control people?? For who, ultimately, controls the Link??
Just as importantly, if a brilliant scientific mind has failed to
see a key element in the problem he is trying to resolve, couldn't
this mean that his solution could be more dangerous than the problem
itself? This theory is put forward by a student in a class
discussion at the beginning of the story but quickly repudiated by
the teacher. However, when the same claim is made at the end of the
story it will resonate more strongly with the reader because by this
stage, there is far more at stake: this is no longer a class
discussion, this affects the future of the world and in particular,
Vincent and Alpha, two characters we have come to care about.
This is a very clever story which will make readers think about the
connectedness of our own world and the future that may lie ahead.
Although it is a sequel, readers don't have to know the first book
to enjoy this one, as enough detail is provided to acquaint us with
the storyline. Intriguingly, whilst the ending is quite powerful,
the door is left open for further books.
Deborah Marshall